The TĀKARO TRIBE is aneducational animaton series for pre-school childrencentered around five adorable Patapaiarehe Fairies (A,E,I,O,U) and their woodland friends, who sing (waiata), dance (kanikani) and learn te reo Māori as they go.

Their learning adventure takes place in the magical Wao Arapū (Alphabet Forest), along with Pāpā Rākau (Tree father), voice by Rawiri Paratene and, Kōkā (Pond Mother), voiced by Aroha Hathaway and where they discover everyday objects, how to pronounce them, what they are for and how to spell them.

Whilst created for children, it offers anyone wishing to find an easy introduction to te reo, an enjoyable 13 minutes.

Director: Nicole Hoey & Campbell Farquhar

Producer: Nicole Hoey





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